Children’s Tent
Cenotaph Park, Lakefield
Sat. July 20 @ 10:00 am
Guests: Casey Lyall, author of A Spoonful of Frogs, and Kevin Sylvester, author of The Fabulous Zed Watson.
The Children’s program is always a high-energy event for all, adults included! It’s a great opportunity for children to meet the authors, and find joy in the experience of reading and bringing stories to life.
Admission is Free!
Casey Lyall
Casey is the author of many humorous books such as the Howard Wallace, P.I. series, the enormously popular Gnome is Where the Heart Is, and A Spoonful of Frogs, that was brilliantly illustrated by Vera Brosgol. Her upcoming titles include Waking the Dead and Other Fun Activities and Vampire Jam Sandwich, illustrated by Nici Gregory.
Casey lives in southwestern Ontario where she also works at her local library (where she waits for management to discover they’re paying her for having way to much fun.) When she’s not writing, Casey loves to bake, doodle, and learn extremely groan-worthy jokes to tell her friends.
Kevin Sylvester
Kevin has written and illustrated more than thirty books for kids. His latest is Night of the Living Zed, co-written with his child Basil. It is the sequel to their book The Fabulous Zed Watson! which was a finalist for many awards, including the TD and the Governor General’s.
Kevin’s new series, The Hockey Super-Six are creatively illustrated books that tell the stories of six nerdy kids who get zapped with radiation and turn into super hockey players. Books 1-7 are now available and the final in the series will be out this fall.
Kevin also writes science fiction, mystery, non-fiction, and books about super-heroes, sports, and financial literacy.

Event T-Shirts
Parkour Crewneck T-shirt, lightweight Jersey cotton.
Sizes available: Youth XS-XL, Men’s S-XL, Women’s XS-XL
Full payment in cash is required for each order.
Cost: $25.00
Email to order your T-shirt: kgardiner@mypubliclibrary.ca